How Do We Stay Creative?

November 12, 2021

CSI DMC is known in the industry for having an award-winning creative team, but that doesn't just happen by chance! Our team is constantly sourcing creative ideas and replenishing their creative juices. Here are just a few of the effective ways we generate creatively throughout the team.


By being such a collaborative company, we can bounce ideas off of one another every day. Simply by vocalizing our ideas and hearing our colleagues’ input, we add depth to our brainstorming sessions and create exciting new ideas!


Who doesn’t love a good cup of coffee?  Coffee and tea runs help fuel our creativity, and the quick walk allows us to detach from technology for a few moments to regroup. It's a great opportunity to catch up with a colleague or two, in person or online, too! 

Staying on Trend

It is important to stay up to date on industry trends so that we offer our clients the latest ideas and advancements in event design. Research includes following worldwide design trends, as well as observing activities in design forward industries, like fashion. Industry events and local vendor showcases are great resources for learning. Day-to-day, our team is encouraged to subscribe to digital industry publications like BizBash and many others. This diversified approach allows us to connect seemingly disparate items and learn about new products and services entering the market.  

Another way we keep on trend is by reading through blogs and browsing websites such as Etsy and Pinterest to see what is new in categories such as design, decor, client gifting, performance acts, and more.

Going Old School

There is nothing as simple and beneficial as taking a break from your laptop, opening your notebook, and jotting down your raw, unfiltered thoughts on pen and paper. One of our team members mentioned that “if I have an idea that I can’t quite seem to capture, I’ll just start writing things down in a ‘stream-of-consciousness flow’ to try to get the images from my brain onto the page.”

Nutrition and Exercise

While it's common sense when under deadline pressures, good nutrition and exercise can quickly become an afterthought. As a team (and company) we encourage each other to take a midday stroll, play with our pets, or do anything physical as a means of resetting. It truly allows our brain to take a break and simply wander wherever it wants to go with uninterrupted thoughts. After we’ve gotten our blood flowing from a mindful walk outside, we come back to our desks feeling refreshed and ready to generate more amazing ideas!

Getting Organized

For creatives, staying organized and making lists can be a huge help by allowing our cluttering, mundane thoughts to exit our minds, thus strengthening our ability to focus on creative visualization. It doesn't just work for creatives, being organized is good for everyone! 

By maximizing our opportunities to be creative at CSI DMC, we can spend time designing events that are unique and memorable experiences. We continue to push our creativity to spark innovation and new ideas every day - life at CSI DMC is never dull, and we wouldn't want it to be!

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